10 Financial Signs Your Spouse May Want a Jacksonville Divorce

When couples get divorced, rarely are both parties unprepared. In most cases, the spouse initiating the divorce process will take steps to prepare for the upcoming divorce. As a result, one spouse may seem better prepared than the other. For this reason, it can be wise to learn about potential financial signs a spouse might want a Jacksonville divorce.
Listed below are 10 signs a spouse may be planning for a divorce in Jacksonville:

  1. The spouse begins arguing about money more frequently
  2. The spouse seems to be hiding money, or becomes unusually frugal
  3. Money seems to go missing and the spouse does not have an explanation
  4. The spouse reduces deposits or stops depositing into a joint bank account
  5. The spouse becomes concerned about your spending, and/or wants to set a budget for you
  6. The spouse begins making large cash withdrawals without a reason
  7. The spouse starts paying for his or her own bills and may change their mailing address to the office
  8. The spouse spends more time away from the home on business trips or spends more money on entertainment expenses
  9. The spouse begins purchasing you more gifts and trips than usual
  10. The spouse stops or reduces contributions to 401ks, IRAs or other retirement accounts

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