Amanda Reasner

Helping Jacksonville Families Through Tough Divorce Issues

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10 Financial Signs Your Spouse May Want a Jacksonville Divorce

When couples get divorced, rarely are both parties unprepared. In most cases, the spouse initiating the divorce process will take steps to prepare for the upcoming divorce. As a result, one spouse may seem better prepared than the other. For this reason, it can be wise to learn about potential financial signs a spouse might want a Jacksonville divorce.
Listed below are 10 signs a spouse may be planning for a divorce in Jacksonville:

  1. The spouse begins arguing about money more frequently
  2. The spouse seems to be hiding money, or becomes unusually frugal
  3. Money seems to go missing and the spouse does not have an explanation
  4. The spouse reduces deposits or stops depositing into a joint bank account
  5. The spouse becomes concerned about your spending, and/or wants to set a budget for you
  6. The spouse begins making large cash withdrawals without a reason
  7. The spouse starts paying for his or...

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3 Tips to Strengthen Yourself After Divorce

Once a divorce is final, it may be tough to figure out what to do next. It is easy to feel like a sail boat adrift in the ocean after becoming untethered from an anchor. Luckily, there is a vast ocean of opportunity to explore.

1. Take Time to Reflect on Who You Are

After being married for some time, it’s easy to lose focus on who you are and what you want from life. A divorce can be a new time to explore these important questions.

2. Set a Goal and Achieve It

Setting a goal and accomplishing it is a sure way to boost one’s confidence. The goal can be simple like pursuing a new hobby or more involved like returning to college. The important part is discovering activities to pursue which will increase happiness.

3. Believe in Yourself

A divorce typically brings newly found independence. This can be a critical time for one to realize they can control their own destiny. After a...

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4 Tips for Dealing With a Jacksonville Divorce

1. Give Yourself Time to Heal

If you are burdened by an abundance of stressful emotions, sometimes friends and family just may not cut it. When you can’t go to friends and family for help, it can be a smart idea to seek professional help. Three great resources to consider looking into first can include a support group, therapist or psychiatrist. These resources may offer their own distinct advantages.

A support group may be a great place to find companionship. Relating with other individuals who have been through similarly tough situations may help with the healing process.

A therapist may offer a place to discuss things which you wouldn’t normally discuss with friends or family. This may help you lay all of your emotions on the table to get a good perspective on your situation. Therapists may then offer valuable advice on how to deal with these difficult issues.

When you’re...

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How to File for Divorce in Florida

How to File for Divorce in Florida

It can be helpful to learn how to file for divorce in Florida, if an individual wants to soon dissolve a marriage. Because the State of Florida is a no-fault divorce state, individuals are not required to assign blame or establish a bad behavior cause for the divorce. One individual is only required to demonstrate the marriage is irretrievably broken or the spouse has been mentally incapacitated for at least three years.

How to File for a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage in Florida

In some cases, couples may be able to use Florida’s simplified dissolution of marriage (divorce) process. This process may be significantly cheaper and faster than going through a regular dissolution of marriage.

To utilize the simplified dissolution of marriage process, married couples in Florida must meet all of the following stipulations:

  • For at least six months prior to the divorce filing, one of...

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Jacksonville Divorce Attorney

Jacksonville Divorce Attorney

If you’re facing a tough divorce in North Florida, a proficient Jacksonville divorce attorney may be just the thing you need to help resolve your family law issues quickly and effectively.

Selecting the right Jacksonville divorce attorney is often a very important decision since this lawyer’s performance during divorce proceedings may greatly affect your family’s life. Choosing the wrong attorney may be a costly mistake with potentially severe consequences for you and your family.

Jacksonville Divorce Attorney Benefits

Individuals may benefit in a number of ways by selecting a high quality Jacksonville divorce attorney. Several benefits of hiring an experienced divorce lawyer in Jacksonville may include:

  • An Experienced Listener – Divorce and family law attorneys usually have extensive experience in listening to issues regarding marriage and family. This can be the first time an...

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